Nourish skin, hair post Holi

Nourish skin, hair post Holi

Nourish skin, hair post Holi

Once you're done splashing bright and beautiful colours on your friends and family members on Holi, be careful about cleansing and nourishing your skin and hair, here are few quick remedies to revitalize your skin post Holi stress-


Use a moisturising cleanser to wipe off colour from all over your skin before heading to the shower. This helps cleanse the skin while minimising the trauma of excessive washing on it.
Bath Gel

Bath Gel

Apply a soft cream based bath gel to wash your skin. The skin is sensitive post the chemical laden Holi play so never rub with a loofa.
Gram Flour, Lemon and Milk

Gram Flour, Lemon and Milk

If colours are too stubborn, apply a paste of gram flour, lemon and milk all over face, neck and hands. Allow it to dry. Then massage the dried paste and then rinse. This serves the twin purpose of removing colour and moisturising skin.
Avoid Bleaching

Avoid Bleaching

Avoid bleaching and waxing for a week before and after Holi. These procedures leave the skin pores open which can prove to be harmful as the residue of colours can easily seep into these pores and make their way to inner layers of skin.
Deep Conditioning

Deep Conditioning

Wash your hair immediately with a moisturising shampoo and follow with deep conditioning.
