The audio launch of Vijay's upcoming superhero film 'Velayudham' was held in the presence of more than one lakh fans of Ilayathalapathy, from across the state. The audio launch took place at Madurai where most of 'Velayudham' scenes were shot. The music CDs that were launched has met with an overwhelming response from Vijay fans and music lovers from across the state.
Vijay Antony has scored the music for 'Velayudham.' Here we have the six tracks in the film for you to listen to:
Rathathin Rathamay (Haricharan, Madhumitha),
Molachu Moonu (Prasanna, Supriya Joshi),
Chillax (Karthik, Charulatha Mani Mayam),
Seidhayo (Sangeetha Rajeshwaran),
Sonna Puriyadhu (Vijay Antony, Veera Shankar),
Vela Vela... (Vijay Antony, Mark).
Sony Music Entertainment which acquired the rights for Velayudham music were in for a very pleasant surprise of the day the music launched when all the music CDs were sold out on the very first day, thereby creating a new record.
Ashok Parwani of Sony Music Entertainment Chennai, revealed and we quote "We are overwhelmed with the response the movie and the music have received. 'Velayudham' has broken all records and we have sold all our units within a day of its launch. The soundtracks are original, soulful and memorable. We're sure that the compositions will go down in history as some of the best melodies of our times."
'Velayudham' with a huge star cast is banking on high expectations from Vijay fans and movie goers in general. If the sales of the audio CDs could be a precursor to the film which will be released in the near future, then we guess 'Velayudham' will truly prove to be a super hit at the box-office
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