Mon(k)ey Market

There lived lot of monkeys in a village.

One day a merchant came to the village to buy these monkeys.

He announced that he will buy a monkey @  hundred rupees each.

The villagers thought that this man is mad

They thought  , how can somebody buy stray monkeys
.did anybody give 100 rupees
For this useless monkeys?
Still,some peoples caught some monkeys and gave it to this merchant and he gave 100 rupees for each monkey. 😜

This news spread like anything and people caught monkeys and sold it to theπŸ₯ monkey merchant.

After some days he announced that he will buy monkeys @ 200 each.😜

The lazy villagers ran around to catch the remaining monkeysπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

They sold the remaining monkeys @200 each.

Then the merchant announced that he buy monkeys @500 each.πŸ‘πŸ‘

The villagers  lost sleep. .They
Caught six or seven monkeys ,which was left and got 500 each...πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

The villagers were waiting anxiously for the next announcement. 😳😳

Then the merchant announced that he is going home for one week πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒ
And when he returns. .he buy monkeys @ 1000 each...πŸ‘πŸ‘

He asked his employee to take care of the monkeys.πŸ‘¨
He was alone taking care of all the monkeys in a cage.

The merchant went home ...🚘

The villagers were very sad that .There were no monkeys left for them to sell it at 1000 rupees.😭😭

Then his employee told them that he will give some monkeys @700 each secretly.

This news also flashed like fire ,since the merchant buy monkey @ 1000 each.300 profit for one monkey...

LADDU 🌟🌟πŸ’₯broke on villagers head...

The next day villagers made a quea near the monkey cage🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢

The employee sold all the monkeys at 700 eachπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

The rich bought monkeys in lot. The poor also borrowed money from financers and bought monkeys.

He sold all the monkeys @ 700 rupees .😁😁

The villagers took care of their monkeys & waited for the merchant to return.

But nobody came...😳
Then they ran to the employee. ...

But he has already left. .πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†πŸ™†

Then the villagers realised
That ,they have bought the useless & stray monkeys
@ 700 each😳😳

This is the business ,now we

This business has made a lot of people bankrupt &  a few people crorepathies in this monkey business. .πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

How is the story of money no ..monkey market ?😊if u like the story share with ur friends. Let them also laugh....πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
